



rw=str Type of io pattern. Accepted values are:

      read        Sequential reads
      write       Sequential writes
      randwrite   Random writes
      randread    Random reads
      rw,readwrite    Sequential mixed reads and writes
      randrw      Random mixed reads and writes
      trimwrite   Mixed trims and writes. Blocks will be
              trimmed first, then written to.

  For the mixed io types, the default is to split them 50/50.
  For certain types of io the result may still be skewed a bit,
  since the speed may be different. It is possible to specify
  a number of IO's to do before getting a new offset, this is
  done by appending a ':<nr>' to the end of the string given.
  For a random read, it would look like 'rw=randread:8' for
  passing in an offset modifier with a value of 8. If the
  suffix is used with a sequential IO pattern, then the value
  specified will be added to the generated offset for each IO.
  For instance, using rw=write:4k will skip 4k for every
  write. It turns sequential IO into sequential IO with holes.
  See the 'rw_sequencer' option.


type 原文 解釈 設定時注意点
read Sequential reads 連続したブロックの読み取り
write Sequential writes 連続したブロックへの書き込み
randwrite Random writes ランダムなブロック位置の読み取り
randread Random reads ランダムなブロック位置への書き込み
rw,readwrite Sequential mixed reads and writes 連続したブロックへの読み込みと書き込み
randrw Random mixed reads and writes ランダムなブロック位置への読み込みと書き込み rwmixreadやrwmixwriteパラメータと組み合わせて、読み書きの割合を調整する。
trimwrite Mixed trims and writes. Blocks
will be trimmed first, then written to.
  • ※1:シーケンシャルとランダムについては、こちら